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Winner of the COHVCO 2020 Raffle
COHVCO | Published on 1/2/2021
We held the drawing for the COVHCO 2020 Raffle to select the winner of the 2020 Kawasaki Teryx KRX1000 KRF1000ALF.

The drawing took place on December 31, 2020 at 5:00 pm at Fay Myers and was streamed live on Facebook.
And the winner is....Charles Dalpiaz from Cedaredge Colorado - Ticket #001245! Congratulations, Charles!
Click the button below to watch a video of the drawing.
Facebook Live Recording
Thank you to Fay Myers for hosting our drawing, thank you to the Kawasaki Dealers of Colorado for the providing the vehicle, and thank you to ALL raffle participants for supporting COHVCO! Everyone have a safe and Happy New Year!
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