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Colorado Off Highway Vehicle Coalition

Protecting Your Motorized Access to Public Lands Since 1987

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Published On 3/22/2023
In the continuing trend of the last several years, this was the busiest year ever. This year we provided formal written comments on OHV issues basically weekly. There were over 500 bills introduced in the 2022 Session of the Colorado General Assembly of which 11 were of serious concern to the OHV/snowmobile and 4wd recreationists. This confirms the need for professional staff monitoring issues on an ongoing basis.

While volunteers are critically they may not be the answer for all situations and often volunteers are being asked to do more than ever before. Challenges are becoming more complex every day but we continue to have major wins for motorized users.
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Published On 3/22/2023
This year the session was distinguished by four major issues impacting the OHV, snowmobile and 4wd communities. The issues include: Colorado Rule 20 and adoption of the California Air Resources Board’s standards for vehicle emissions; reduction in theft of catalytic converters (cats); Reduction in mobile and stationary emissions in general; attempts by the legislature to take wildlife and natural resources management out of the hands of the Department of Natural Resources and place it in the hands of legislators or a commission comprised of academics and scientist with little accountability to anyone, particularly the public.
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Published On 3/22/2023
These comments are designed to supplement previous comments submitted on this issue. The Organizations are very concerned that the Plan overly focuses on ranching and farming issues and is entirely silent on many other impacts, such as nonconsumptive recreation, that could be far more severe to the State over time.
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Published On 2/5/2020
Thanks to funding from the BLM and management of the planning meetings and planning process by NOHVCC and working directly with COHVCO, Colorado can join those states who have already finished their planning.
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Published On 2/4/2020
Read news from COHVCO and reports of other happenings in the OHV community!
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Published On 1/21/2020
Thanks to funding from the BLM and management of the planning meetings and planning process by NOHVCC and working directly with COHVCO, Colorado can join those states who have already finished their planning.
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Published On 11/21/2019
Thank you Kawasaki and Colorado dealers for donating this years raffle vehicle and for your continuing support!
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Published On 11/16/2019
Would like to congratulate Jud Barlow the winner of this year raffle!
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Published On 10/29/2019
Join us at the 2019 Kicker Monster Truck event on Saturday, November 16th!

This year's COHVCO Raffle drawing will be held at the event at 9:00 pm.
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Published On 10/19/2019
Join Us for a FREE Workshop & Luncheon for Side-By-Side Enthusiasts!
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Published On 9/7/2019
Read news from COHVCO and reports of other happenings in the OHV community!
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Published On 7/14/2019
This weekend concludes the second of the two workshops for 2019.
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Published On 4/23/2019
The CORE Wilderness Act proposes to restrict current and future motorized access to almost 400,000 acres of Colorado public lands.
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Gunnison, CO: May 31st-June 2nd
Salida, CO: June 12th-13th
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Published On 6/3/2018
Letters from COHVCO Officers, Recent Wins, Happenings in the OHV Community
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Published On 3/1/2018
Research concluded that motorized spending was the dominant portion of spending for recreational activity, and almost exceeded all other spending sources combined.
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Published On 2/28/2018
Letters from COHVCO Officers, Recent Wins, Happenings in the OHV Community
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Published On 11/23/2017
COHVCO,TPA, CSA and their partners and local clubs defending public access to public lands.
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Published On 8/31/2017
Letters from COHVCO Officers, Recent Wins, Happenings in the OHV Community
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Published On 3/9/2017
COHVCO,TPA, CSA and their partners and local clubs defending public access to public lands.
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Published On 3/1/2017
A new bill HB 17-100 is in the works, which will significantly reduce or eliminate the insurance requirements for OHV clubs working with OHV grant funds.
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Published On 2/20/2017
Study shows OHV recreation contributes $2.3 billion annually to Colorado economy.
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The definitive guide for the planning, designing, constructing, managing and maintaining Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) trails.
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Published On 12/6/2016
Colorado offers unique opportunities for motorized recreation throughout much of the state. As such, the sport and industry of motorized recreation has increased in popularity in Colorado, both for residents and non-residents. Pinyon Environmental Inc. evaluated the economic contribution of motorized recreation throughout Colorado for the 2014–2015 season.
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Published On 9/6/2022
Busiest year ever. Confirms the need for professional staff monitoring issues on an ongoing basis as challenges are becoming more complex every day. Volunteers are critically needed but not always the answer for all situations and often volunteers are being asked to do more than ever before.
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Published On 10/27/2021
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Published On 8/30/2021
Shape the GMUGs future. Review the draft forest plan and attend an open house!
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Published On 6/14/2021
Robbed by the pandemic, Colorado returns $5 million to OHV fund
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Published On 1/2/2021
The drawing was held on December 31, 2020 at Fay Myers for the winner of the COVHCO 2020 Raffle and streamed live on Facebook.
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Published On 11/24/2020
We are as busy as ever with active issues....fighting to stop land closures, grey wolf reintroduction, protecting our OHV fund
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Published On 8/18/2020
Purchase digitally printed COHVCO apparel and accessories in the NEW COHVCO Store!
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Published On 7/18/2020
Small group of members from COHVCO and Rampart Range Committee packed out 14 bags of trash and other items from Rampart Range
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Published On 7/12/2020
Pick up some trash and share photos of your contribution this weekend, July 18th-19th!
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