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Colorado Pulls OHV Funding U-Turn
American Motorcyclist Association | Published on 6/14/2021
Robbed by the pandemic, Colorado returns $5 million to OHV fund
"The governor of Colorado has signed a bill to return $5 million to the State Parks’ Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Fund after fears that the state’s revenue would take a drastic hit by the COVID-19 pandemic were overblown." American Motorcyclist Association highlights BIG WIN for the OHV community in the June issue of their American Motorcyclist Magazine.
"House Rep. Kim Ransom (R-Acres Green) also led the charge to repay the funds. The Colorado Off-Highway Vehicle Coalition (COHVCO) and the Powersports Dealers Association of Colorado led the lobbying push while the non-lobbying Trails Preservation Alliance continued to educate the public on how they can protect their rights."
Read the full article on this BIG WIN win for Colorado!
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